Sanitary Ware
Since 1981 CHIMICOLOR has begun a qualified study of alternative product of CMC which are more specific in order to avoid the difficulties that emerge in their usage. For many years it has been evaluated the necessity to create alternative product of CMC which are widely used in the Bathroom Sanitary-ware industry. The follow-up of this research has created a line of products called:
- VISCOSIL : is a special combination studied to develop thickeners and stabilizers of viscosity for sanitary
- MOULDING : relase Agents for the production of moulds (Clik here for see the video)
- DEFLON : are exceptional organic dispersants strongly recommended as deflocculants
Unfortunately CMC had the defect of not being always the same in their main characteristic (viscosity and solubility); besides they are easily attacked by microrganisms that make them degrade quickly.

- DEFLON N – Heavy duty deflocculant for bodies and glaxes
- DEFLON A – Deflocculant for tecnical andsanitary ware bodies
- DEFLON T – Deflocculant for bodies and glaxes
- DEFLON C 20 – Deflocculant for moulding
- AMYLOSE F – Viscous liquid binder for glazes
- VISCOSIL 4/106 – Binder- powder form – very low viscosity
- VISCOSIL 4/110 – Liquid form for bodies
- VISCOSIL 4/117 – Binder for Tecnical & tabelweare bodies
- VISCOGEL CMC – Binder – water retentive
- VISCOGEL 4/118 – High efficenty Antisetting Agent
- VISOSIL BWS – Plasticizer & water retentive
- SEDOL CM – Suspending agent for glazes
- DEFOAMER NS – All purpose defoamer & air release
- PARACIDE BT NEW – All purpose biocide for glazes
- DELAC T – Emulsion of decals application on raw glazes
- DIACROM – Glazes temporary colouration